I am sitting in the lotus position today, dutifully reporting on the first day of the Year of the maker rat. Before I start the day’s reportage, I just happened to browse through the Julie/Julia project to make a comparison of our projects (You’ll know me through this, I am competitive in weirdest of ways)
Julie Powell started on a similar project of cooking through 524 recipes in 365 days! Considering I’ve picked a similar number, I realise how utterly daunting this task is - however, I also am able to drive some strength from the fact that Julie was indeed able to finish her project.
What is harder? Making 524 recipes or making 500 arty things? We’ll only know with time.
For now, I call upon the compassion of this mother of yearly projects to bless me with the strength and tons and tons of ideas to make!
Now for the reporting, yesterday, I finished making this embroidery loop. I had started working on this over the last weekend and this was left unfinished when I squeezed a trip to Delhi and back. In the evening though, as I was surrounded by friends passing on information on the newest vegan protein powders, my hands kept moving in a state of trance to finish this piece.